How Many Shipwrecks Are in Lake Huron? 8 Wrecks From The Great Storm of 1913!

Shipwreck in Lake Huron - How many shipwrecks in Lake Huron?

Lake Huron, also known as the “Great Sweetwater Sea,” is North America’s second largest of the five Great Lakes. It has a maximum depth of 750 feet and encompasses 23,007 square miles. Because of its many shorelines and that it’s a connecting waterway of the four other Great Lakes, it has the most shipping traffic … Read more

15 Famous Shipwrecks Found in the Worlds Waters

Titanic Wreck Bow - Famous Shipwrecks found in the Worlds Waters

Throughout maritime history, there have been an estimated 3 million shipwrecks worldwide. Of those shipwrecks, several famous wrecks have caught the public’s attention and have been memorialized in books, movies, documentaries, and even songs.  The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald is one song that has gained popularity over the decades since its release. And you … Read more

Which Great Lake Has The Most Shipwrecks?

Great Lakes Sunset - Which Great Lake Has The Most Shipwrecks?

The Great Lakes are an interconnected chain of freshwater lakes that connect the Atlantic Ocean via the St. Lawrence River. Five lakes make up the Great Lakes: Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Erie. They have been an important waterway for centuries, paving the way for ships sailing from the Atlantic … Read more

9 Famous Lake Erie Shipwrecks: History of Tragedy on the Great Lakes

Sunset on Lake Erie - Famous Lake Erie Shipwrecks

Lake Erie is the shallowest of all the Great Lakes. And because of the shallow water, many of these wrecks are not as well preserved as in some other Great Lakes, including the famous Lake Superior shipwrecks. But on a positive note, scuba divers don’t have to dive as deep as they would in the … Read more

11 Famous Lake Superior Shipwrecks – Why Did They Sink?

Lake Superior Shipwreck - Famous Lake Superior Shipwrecks

Lake Superior has made headline news over the last two centuries because of the number of shipwrecks that have gone down in her waters. It is estimated that 550 ships are lying at the bottom of Lake Superior. Wind, snow, ice, fog, and fire are the culprits, to name a few of why so many … Read more

13 Michigan Underwater Preserves – Explore Shipwrecks of The Great Lakes

Scuba Diver Near Shipwreck - Michigan Underwater Preserves

When it comes to shipwrecks, the Great Lakes is a graveyard of sorts. It is reported that there are more than 6,000 shipwrecks in the Great Lakes combined, many of which still need to be located. So if you are interested in diving on shipwrecks or want to see some shipwrecks up close, you will … Read more

How Many Shipwrecks Are In Lake Michigan? The Answer Will Surprise You!

Man diving on a shipwreck in Lake Michigan - how many shipwrecks are in Lake Michigan?

Lake Michigan has been a transportation route for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The Native Americans, such as the Menomonee, Ho-Chunk, Illinois, Mascoutin, Miami, and the Potawatomi,  first used Lake Michigan for transportation and fishing. Over the centuries, explorers and commercial vessels made their way onto the scene. Eventually, Lake Michigan became a major … Read more

13 Extremely Famous Shipwrecks Found in Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan Lighthouse - Famous Lake Michigan Shipwrecks

Lake Michigan has seen its share of shipwrecks throughout the centuries. It is estimated that 1,500 vessels, both made of wood and steel, have gone down in the rough waters of Lake Michigan. This article will explore 13 of the most famous shipwrecks in Lake Michigan. So if shipwrecks interest you, then you will want … Read more